Trending story of Christianah Idowu


Christianah Idowu, a 300-level student at the Federal University of Agriculture in Abeokuta, Ogun State, was tragically murdered after being kidnapped in August along the Ikorodu-Yaba Road. She had left her home in Ikorodu to travel to the University of Lagos in Yaba, where she was completing her industrial training. Fortunately, the suspect has been apprehended thanks to the collaborative efforts of security agencies.

According to reports, the suspect admitted to security agencies that he had murdered the victim and buried her body in his own home. This horrific crime sparked widespread outrage and condemnation from many Nigerians on social media.

Outraged by the incident, many Nigerians on Twitter, demanded justice for the victim, asking relevant stakeholders to ensure justice is served.

An insider account by @Letter_to_Jack on “X” said: “On the 19th of August 2024, Christiannah Idowu was declared missing after her parents were contacted by her abductors using her own WhatsApp contact.


“The first contact with the parent was established around 8:49pm after which they sent photos of the victim in captivity to them using the WhatsApp ‘view once’ feature.

The kidnappers demanded a ransom of 1.5 million Naira. Christiana’s parents were able to raise 350,000 naira right away. The kidnappers instructed them to send the money to a betting account. After receiving the money, the kidnappers asked for proof of payment. However, after receiving the proof, they stopped communicating with the family.

Intelligence agents began investigating the bank account used for the ransom on August 26th. By August 29th, they had confirmed that the account belonged to a specific person who also had another bank account with Wema Bank.

The suspect was able to withdraw 100,000 Naira from the betting account before the authorities were able to stop further withdrawals. Investigators noticed that the suspect and Christiana Idowu seemed to know each other, based on their social media activity. Additionally, the same bank account used for the ransom had been used in a public giveaway on Twitter.

Investigators used the suspect’s phone records to track his location to his parents’ home in Ikorodu. They confirmed his presence there using his phone’s GPS. The Nigerian army then arrested the suspect at his parents’ home. After the arrest, they found evidence linking him to the crime, including the victim’s phone.

On September 3rd, the suspect admitted to the victim’s father and the soldiers that he had killed the girl and buried her body at his home. There are also unconfirmed reports that he had killed his ex-girlfriend in 2018 and his own sister in 2020, using the same method.