The Story of Khwezi Jantjies

The Story of Khwezi Jantjies


Khwezi Jantjies is a Six years Old boy who hails from Lutzville in West Coast, Western Cape. On the 20th of September 2024, he was ran over by Farmer Christoffel Stoman over an allegations of orange theft which resulted in his two legs being broken.

On September 20, little Khwezi Jantjies and his mother were walking into town when he spotted an orange behind Christoffel Stoman’s farm fence which he took and what happened next was a tragedy that will forever haunt the little kid.

Upon spotting little Khwezi Jantjies picking up the Orange, Christoffel Stoman quick drove with speed and ran over him, breaking his two legs and despite the cry for help by the mother of the child, Christoffel Stoman showed no remorse.

Khwezi was rushed to the hospital and will be be undergoing an operation at the Paarl Provincial Hospital. Farmer Stoman on the other hand has been arrested and will appear before the Vredendal Magistrate’s Court, a bail request the state says it will oppose due to the gravity of the charges.


Demand for Justice
Several activists have called for the prosecution of 70 years old Christoffel Stoman, including ANCYL who are seeking for the expropriation of Christoffel Stoman’s farm without compensation. This measure they believe is not just about holding him accountable for the brutality inflicted on Khwezi but also about addressing the broader injustices faced by the community. The African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) wants Christoffel Stoman’s farmland returned to the people.

The Many Other Crimes of Christoffel Stoman
The community has revealed that the accident with little Khwezi Jantjies won’t be the first time the farmer will be inflicting harm on innocent citizens. And not once has he been punished.