The Downside of Excessive Screen Time and Ways to Reduce Screen Time in Children and Adults


Screen Time – Meaning

Screen time refers to the amount of time an individual spends using a device with a screen such as television, computers, video games, smartphone, LCD advertising billboards and other screen digital gadgets. Screen time has a direct correlation with mental and physical health of an Individual.

Downside of Excessive Screen Time


In recent times, screen displays plays a major factor in modern society. It is part of everyone’s daily life activities including work, study, social media engagements, advertisements and others. According to several conducted studies, It is observed that excessive screen time has an adverse effect on adults and children. Some of these effects includes:

1. Eye strain or tired eyes – spending too much time on a computer screen, phone screen or any digital display screen all day can cause eye strain.

2. Lack of Sleep – Too much time spent on screen involving social media engagements, video games, work and study can result to lack of sleep which might affect behavior, health and cognitive performance in school and interference with learning (lack of concentration to learn and study in children).

3. Health Condition – Too much time on screen can alter the human body clock, which might cause several unhealthy reactions including obesity, body and brain strain, hormone imbalance, fatigue and several others.

4. Impaired socialising skills – To much screen time results to less physical communication with people, which has an adverse effects on Individual social skills

5. Body Strain – Fixation to the screen for a long time, results to a poor body posture, which can result to neck and shoulder pain, back strain and eye strain.

6. Depression – Too much screen time can affect an Individual emotional and mental health. As several studies have confirmed that excessive screen time has a direct correlation to Depression and Mood Swings.

Ways to Reduce Screen Time

The following are confirmed ways to reduce screen time.

1.Set screen time limits
2.Track screen time
3.Turn off notifications
4. Ban phone charging from the bedroom
5. Delete unnecessary apps
6. Eat your meals without a screen
7. Get Outside Leave your phone behind
8. Pick up a new hobby
9. Take regular and active breaks
10. Talk to your family
11. Always keep a book with you
12. Do regular exercise