Sen. Okiya Omtatah Biography, Profile, Age, Family


Biography and Profile

Senator Okiya Omtatah is a popular Kenyan activist, senator, respected personality and a human right advocate. Okiya gained a significant amount of popularity due to his selfless and relentless activities as a human right advocate and activist. His recent election as the Senator from Busia County. Omtatah has became the voice of the people by challenging unconstitutional rulings in the court, making him one of the exceptional prominent figures in the Kenya legal system.

In 2012, Okiya Omtata was beaten and physically assaulted resulting to the removal of his tooth in defense of the constitution. Since then, Okiya has filed over 550 cases against corrupt practices and other human law violations. He is referred to as a simple Man devoid of the usual opulence of Kenyan politicians.


Age and Family

Okiya Omtatah was born on November 30, 1964, in Busia County, Kenya. He his happily married to his wife and they have children together.

However, Okiya Omtatah faced the unspeakable pain of losing a child when his daughter, Maryann Marisyanna Annuarite, died abruptly from severe malaria. Her sudden death as a third-year international affairs and diplomacy student at Riara University saddened her friends and family. Omtatah not only lamented his daughter’s death on a personal level, but also acknowledged her potential impact on society.