Cyber Attacks – Definition, Types, Causes, Prevention


Cyber Attacks – Definition

Cyber attack is a malicious attempt launched by cyber thefts, targeted against Computer systems, networks and other smart devices to steal sensitive information, gain unauthorized access and breach of Information.

Cyber attacks is usually targeted against individuals and corporate organization to cause damage, steal, alter and destroy sensitive information and data through unauthorized access.


Types of Cyber attacks

1. Malware – Malware is a cyber-attack software designed to cause damage and disruption to a computer system, network, gain unauthorized access and steal other sensitive information.

2. Phishing – Phishing is a fraudulent technique used to acquire sensitive information and data, with the practice of sending emails, messages to induce individuals, organizations to reveal private data such as passwords, card information and login details.

3. Ransomware – Ransomware is a type of fraudulent technique used by cyber criminals to extort and steal personal data or block users out of their system or device until a ransom is paid to restore access.

4. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks – A Man-in-the-Middle Attack is a type of cyber attack, where the attacker secretly intercepts the communication between two parties and thereby gains sensitive informations.

5. Spoofing – Spoofing involves the process whereby an individual or a program successfully identify another program or person by falsifying information and data to gain unauthorized access.

Other types of cyber attacks include;

6. Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks
7. Identity-Based Attacks
8. Code Injection Attacks
9. Supply Chain Attacks.
10. Drive-by Download Attacks
11. Password Cracking Attacks.
12. Drive-by Download Attacks
13. Password Cracking Attacks.

Causes of Cyber attacks

1. Computer system vulnerabilities
2. Easy System access
3. Simple password and login credentials
4. Lack of security access
5. Use of Open network source

Prevention of Cyber attacks
1. Use of strong password and login credentials
2. Protection of secured Data and Information
3. Use of private and secured Network
4. Regular Update of system software and security system.
5. Protecting Online identity
6. Keep social media and personal information private and secured
7. Storage of data in a secured platform
8. Avoid clicking on phishing mails and messages
9. Do not supply sensitive information on a unverified website and page
10. Use a secured and trusted computer system for your personal information.