ChatGPT – About, Introduction, How it Works, Importance, Functions, Processes, Advantages


ChatGPT – About, Introduction, Company, Year of Introduction, Processes

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot programmed to provide answers, solutions, and response for every enquiry, question and problems. The artificial intelligence program and software was developed byOpenAI. The program was pioneered by several top software engineers in 2018 to be an online tool that aids research and general intelligence, that will be a benefit to all human fields.

ChatGPT uses GPT-3 technology, which means Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3). The program is developed by Open AI to be a self-sufficient artificial intelligence software that receives input, produces result, multitasks and generates real time outputs.


 The technology is based on Artificial Intelligence, which is pre-trained, simulated and immersed in a pool of data and information from the internet. The program is also designed to translate and understand various human language and input.

The program utilizes a neural network system that uses a machine learning algorithm that stores information, learn patterns and process solutions to complex problems and analyzes data received from internet pool. 

ChatGPT – How it works, process flow, process input

ChatGPT has a unique and dynamic process flow, with a swift response enquiry.
Below is the process ChatGPT and how it works.

Input Processing – Tokenization – Input Embedding – Text Generation and Output

ChatGPT – Uses, Advantages, Importance and Functions

ChatGPT has the several applications and it can be used in the following fields.

1. Medicine
2. Research
3. Education
4. Health Care
5. Finance
6. Artificial Intelligence
7. Fashion
8. Military
9. Agriculture
10. Media Space
