Boontlefeela Baile: Controversy & Accusation of Stokvel Theft


Boontlefeela Baile is a makeup artist, media personality and fashionista, known mostly for her convincing speech and enticing social lifestyle. In December 2023 she was called out by Twitter users for allegedly defrauding a Stokvel group.

Boontlefeela Baile has been involved in a number of controversies ever since she gained social media fame. The Ex soldier in December of 2022 announced a Grocery Stokvel, with the aim of rewarding interested participants their saved amount by the first week of December.

Due to Boontlefeela Baile’s huge social media following and credibility, she was able to get interested participants to join her Stokvel group and by January of 2023, 20 people who never met her in persons but were convinced by her social presence decided to kickstart the Stokvel program with a monthly deposits of R500 – R1k.


What is Stokvel?
Stokvel has been a major savings or investment club in South Africa where a group of people comes together to contribute fixed amounts of money regularly with the goal to achieve some collective or individual needs.

Allegations of R300k Theft
In December 2023, some twitter users who allegedly claimed to be part of the Stokvel program took to their socials to call out Boontlefeela Baile for refusing to keep to her end of the bargain and preventing them from reaping the fruit of their labour.

Members of the Stokvel group accused the media personality of disappearing with their deposit money and refusing to respond to calls or give reasons why their money wasn’t credited or card given to them as promised.

Deactivation of All Social Media Handles
Following the accusations levied on her and the quest by most South Africans to reach out to her to get further clarification, Boontlefeela Baile deactivated all her social handles, including her popular X (Formerly Twitter page) which had huge followings.

Her sudden and unexplained disappearance from socials has created the impression that the theft allegations levied on her are factual and true.