The Story of Refilwe Mofokeng; Gang Assault & The Cry for Justice


The story of Refilwe Mofokeng is one that demands justice. The 15-years old girl was allegedly gang raped by 3 boys named Jerome, Dem and Sean. The incident occurred on the 17th of December when Refilwe Mofokeng was moved to a nearby house by her female friend from a braai she attended with mutuals.

Sexual Assaults
On the night of December 17th, Jerome, Dem and Sean allegedly connived with a friend of Refilwe Mofokeng, who took her to an apartment close by, all while she was heavily drunk and unaware of environment.

After Refilwe Mofokeng was lured to the undisclosed apartment, Jerome, Dem and Sean took turns in assaulting her.


Legal Actions
Following the crime commited on her, Refilwe Mofokeng and her family immediately opened a rape case at SAPS, while launching legal actions on the three boys.

After being notified of the legal case opened against them, Jerome, Dem, and Sean took to their socials to mock Refilwe Mofokeng, engaging in bullying behavior and dismissing the allegations levied on them.

On the 20th of December 2023, the police announced the arrest of all boys involved in the incident.

Cry For Justice
Several Non-governmental and Non-profit organizations like the Women For Change are calling on the appropriate authorities to look into the case and ensure justice is served. Friends and family of Refilwe Mofokeng are also mounting pressure to ensure the boys get the punishment they deserve.

Already, The Family violence, child protection and sexual offences unit of the SAPS have confirmed that they are ontop of the case.