Robert Card Biography, Profile, Age, Criminal Case, Crime


Robert Card Biography and Profile

Robert Card is a 41-year-old, retired military officer and firearms instructor and he is the main suspect involved in Lewiston, Maine mass shooting that occurred on Wednesday night, October 25, 2023. Robert Card has been divorced twice and he is a father of three children. According to One of his ex-wives, Robert being an ex-military personnel has a serious anger issue and gets paranoid easily.

Robert Card has previously been committed to a mental health facility. Card has also a series of arrests against him for domestic violence, traffic offenses and other crimes. Robert card was given a restraining order by the court to protect his ex-wives and children against his alleged Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Harassment and Stalking.


The University of Maine has verified the claim that the suspect graduated from their institution with a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from 2001 to 2004. Card identifies himself to be politically neutral and independent in America electoral process reports claims that he has never participated in elections in America.

Prior to the incident in Lewiston, there have been no suspicious signs/activity in recent weeks in Robert’s lifestyle and social media profile. So the incident came as a shock to the locals and the law enforcement agencies.

Robert Card Criminal Case and Crimes

On Wednesday Eve, 25th October 2023, The Police in Lewiston, Maine Identified Robert Card, as the main suspect in the shooting in Maine. The early report from the shooting emerged around 8:00PM local time, involving several locations, including Schemengees Bar and Grille, restaurant, Bowling alley recreation center and the Local Walmart. The death toll on the Mass shooting in Lewiston is uncertain, but from the reports it suggests the range of 10 to 16 deaths with over 50 injured individuals.

Robert Card reportedly escaped the crime scene with a Honda Civic, some sources claims he escaped with Subaru Outback. The Spokesperson for the Maine Department of Public Safety, Shanon Moss, has confirmed that the police are currently investigating the outcome of the event and the perpetrator will be brought to Book.

The Police at the Maine Department has urged the residents to stay indoors and be security conscious at all times, while the investigations are still ongoing.