10 Facts about Pastor James Ng’ang’a


1. Pastor James Ng’ang’a is a popular Kenyan Pastor, Evangelist, Activist, Preacher and Philanthropist. He is the founder of Neno Evangelism founder.

2. Pastor James Ng’ang’a had supported the Kenya Kwanza administration and once urged patience towards President William Ruto.

3. Pastor James Ng’ang’a in a video captured during a sermon in his church, the preacher compares the current government unfavourably to the previous one. He issued a stern warning to the current leaders, vowing to fight back against what he perceives as challenges to his church and his faith.

4. The renowned popular preacher asked Ruto’s administration to leave his church’s land and stop harassing him or suffer the consequences.


5. Pastor James Ng’ang’a slammed foreign preachers, particularly Nigerians, for declaring predictions regarding Kenya.

6. The televangelist criticized the invasion of foreign religious figures, questioning their legitimacy to prophesy about Kenya’s president.

7. Pastor Ng’ang’a also lambasted Kenyans for having more trust in foreign preachers than their own, citing Benny Hinn as an example.

8. Pastor Ng’ang’a provided an groundbreaking anthem for the ongoing protest in Kenya.

9. Pastor Ng’ang’a is a great Philanthropist, he has used his ministry to change the lives of people across Kenya and beyond.

10. The clergyman has advised the government to rule the people with fairness and equality.